Jeudis insolites : centre EDEN

  • BA - Centre Eden
  • Bress addict 2024
BA - Centre EdenBress addict 2024
"Unusual Thursdays at the Tourist Office: EDEN Centre. Discover "witches' plants" and how they are used in magic and fairytales. You'll be plunged into a world where magic reigns with a visit to the temporary exhibition "Plants and Legends", which highlights the flora associated with the Burgundy Bresse landscape. The Eden Centre will take you on a journey of discovery of the senses, imagination and knowledge of plants.
Limited number of places - Booking essential
Ouvertures08/08/2024 from 10am to 11am and from 4.30pm to 5.30pm. By reservation only.
  • Category :
    • Guided tour
Directions to :
Centre EDEN 126, rue de l'église
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.5603692
Longitude : 5.00185487
De 6 à 18 ans
Tarif enfant2.00€
Tarif de base5.00€
  • Prices :
    • ADDITIONAL PRICE De 6 à 18 ans
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Event Organizer
Jeudis insolites : centre EDEN
Phone : +33 3 85 75 05 02
Centre EDEN 126, rue de l'église