Exposition Christa

  • Exposition Christa Pierre
Christa uses a variety of techniques, mixing traditional ones (graphic, pictorial, etc.) with more contemporary ones (installations, digital, etc.) to go beyond aesthetics and appearance.
OuverturesOpen from 29/07/2024 to 17/08/2024, Monday to Saturday, 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 5.30pm, except Tuesday afternoons. Closed on Sundays. Opening on 29/07/2024 at 6pm.
  • Theme :
    • Art and entertainment
  • Pets :
    • Pets accepted
  • Category :
    • Exhibition
Directions to :
Point information La Grenette
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.8841528
Longitude : 5.26237729
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Event Organizer
Exposition Christa
Phone : +33 3 85 76 85 78
Point information La Grenette