Cellier des deux tours

  • Ramet Elise
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Ramet EliseIMG_0009IMG_0008
Discover the secrets of vineyards, wines and their ecosystems with the Cellier des Deux Tours and the winemakers who accompany us on these fun, friendly and unforgettable experiences. Through themed events (Introduction to wine tasting, Building a food and wine pairing, Discovering a wine region...).
OuverturesOpen Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 6pm, except on public holidays. Closed from 01/08/2024 to 24/08/2024. Events by prior arrangement.
  • Groups :
    • Groups accepted
  • Pets :
    • Pets not accepted
Directions to :
21 Route de Louhans
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 46.56275
Longitude : 5.0158
  • Method of payment :
    • Bank and postal checks
    • Cash
    • Credit card
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Cellier des deux tours
21 Route de Louhans
Mob : +33 6 70 83 77 65
  • Spoken languages :
    • French